This Section Will Cover How To Tone & Tighten The QUADS, HAMSTRINGS, GLUTES, INNER/OUTTER THIGHS & CALVES.
So Get Your “BUTT” In Gear & Get Ready To Show Off Your NEW Sexy Lower Body!
There is no question that shapely thighs help define the female physique. Not only does a great pair of legs help radiate femininity, it allows us women to wear the shortest of skirts with the utmost confidence.
Unfortunately, some women are extremely hesitant when it comes to training their lower body as they believe it will make their legs “bulky” and “thick”. This is just not true! In fact, your legs will become shapelier and appear leaner. By working out your lower body, you will actually help strip away excess body fat and reveal tight, toned tights.
The quads are made up of four frontal muscles. Three of these muscles function as one unit and cannot be individually isolated during training. However, by using a variety of leg exercises will help stimulate all regions of the quads.
Personally, I make sure to always use both compound movements (movements using more than one and isolation movements (movements joint) using only one joint). I pick 2 or 3 different exercises from both movements performing 3 sets per exercise and 15 repetitions.
Below you will find a list of quad exercises, as well as hamstring, glute and calve exercises, from both lists.
Compound Isolation
Leg Press Leg Extension
Squat One-Leg Extension
Front Squat Adduction
Hack Squat Abduction
Jump Squat
Pile Squat
Sissy Squat
Walking Lunge
Side Lunge
Step Ups
Compound Isolation
Glute Kickback Lying Leg Curls
Lunges Seated Leg Curls
Flutter Kicks Butt Lift
Dead Lift Leg Lift
Good Mornings One-Leg Kickback
Calves Isolation
Ankle Circles
Seated Calve Raises
Calf Press-Press Machine
Standing Calf Raises
Donkey Calf Raises
***Please note that these are simply suggestions, that’s only what they are. All of my workouts/diets were trial and error. If my suggestions do not work for you, find what will until you succeed. It may take time and that’s okay. Also please get a second opinion from your doctor and/or physician before attempting any new diets, new workouts, or advice resulting from the use of this website.***
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