Facing My “Fears”
If you know me, you know that I’m a very “matter of fact” kind of person. I have no issues sharing my feelings and/or facts because there’s usually proof to back my theories and/or thoughts; and, I like to think my theories are usually right…haha just joking.
I was always good at math because at the end of the problem you were right or wrong, no in-betweens about it. However, the one class I dreaded was creative writing because in this instance there was no right or wrong. No way to check my answers, and no one telling me to change this or correct that. So in order to figure things out, I simply had to follow my heart.
WHAT???!!! This was crazy weird to me. “Like really, cause I just got a “B” in math because I couldn’t figure this problem out, and you’re telling me to just write! There’s no WRONG way?!”…Okay
So forward 15 years later and this is where I’m at right now. I’m sitting in front of my computer, face-to-face in a heavy stare-down with my MAC, whom I like to call…MAC, asking myself: “Can I really do this thing called blogging? Seriously, who do I think I am…Shakespeare? Does anyone really care what I have to say?” I would like to think so.
I really took to thinking about this question all weekend and truly took this question to heart. I taught long and hard about why I want to blog or the need to want to blog; and I finally came to the conclusion at that at the end of the day I simply want to be happy. I want to live life doing everything fulfilling and making positive changes in peoples lives. I hope there will be smiles on faces the way my kids smile after they have accomplished their goals. I want to provide reinforcement to the ones who feel they can’t success like I used to feel at times.
I’m a nurturer at heart. I love to share whatever I can and hope it will be received with open arms. I truly believe by entering this world of blogging, I know I can turn my positive energy and vibe into something amazing and great.
So with all this being said, I would like to give it a try and follow on the same track as my good friend, The Little Engine That Could, and tell myself…I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
Will you follow me?
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