F4M 6 Best Foods Ever!
HEALTH starts with the mind then flows to the body. This page is dedicated to prepping the body for the awesome health advances and benefits that lay ahead. You MUST be 100% ready to be committed in making healthy progress in order to see and keep results! At times, we are our own worse enemy as we sabotage our own successes because we are not mentally ready and committed to sticking to our wonderful lifestyle improvements.
In order to loose those unwanted fat pounds, you must start with your mind! This is why I have chosen this time to share the six foods that changed my life and helped me get into the best shape of my life!
Blueberries, also known as "brain berries", contain more powerful disease-fighting antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. Just one serving alone provides just as many antioxidants as five servings of apples, carrots, squash or broccoli. This awesome fruit may also lower the risk for cardiovascular disease.
Oats are an excellent source of complex carbs that our body requires to sustain energy. Oats have twice as much protein as brown rich and are a rich source of iron, thiamine, and selenium. They contain phytonutrients (non-vitamin, non-mineral components of foods that have significant health benefits) which aid to reducing heart disease and some forms of cancer. Oats may also reduce the risk of type II diabetes.
Spinach is a rich dietary source of vitamin K - a vitamin that unlike other fat-soluble vitamins is not stored by the body in appreciable amounts and must be replaced on a regular basis. Spinach is also an excellent source of folate. Folate plays a significant role in preventing cardiovascular disease because it works to escort a dangerous amino acid, homocysteine, from the body.
Wild Salmon is one of the richest, tastiest, readily available sources of omega-3 fatty acids. By simply including wild salmon into your diet two to four times per week, you could achieve optimal protection against a multitude of diseases, including heart disease.
Tea has been known to lower blood pressure, help prevent cancer and osteoporosis, lower your risk for stroke, play a probable role in preventing sunlight damage to the skin (wrinkles and skin cancer). The three teas that help in the above: green tea, orange pekoe, and Earl Grey.
Skinless Turkey Breast is highly nutritious and low in fat! It is also one of the leanest meant protein in the world. Turkey also offers a rich array of nutrients, particularly niacin, selenium, vitamin B 6 and B 12, and zinc. These nutrients are heart-healthy and are also valuable in helping to lower the risk for cancer.
So Eat And Enjoy - Guilt Free!!!
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