Let me start by saying CONGRATULATIONS! You are past the hardest part – getting started. By entering this page you have made a decision to better your overall fitness and improve your daily life.
Hello, my name is Cheyenne Prawdzik. I am the proud mommy to two beautiful children, and I am a weight loss success story. I am just like every mother out there – a real honest, hard working and highly motivated mom, who wants the best for herself, her family, and other women out there who are in the same boat I was in. I too had trouble getting back to my “pre-pregnancy” shape, both times, and in fact, I am still a work in progress. I admire every woman who has the dedication and desire to get back into shape, as I know it’s not the most easiest task after having children.
My interests in life involve both my children and my husband. As well as being a mother and wife, I am also a mompreneur. I ran a busy technology company, EagleDistribution.com, with my amazing husband, Scott. My goal is to be an awesome mom, well that ties with being an awesome wife, and continue the success of our technology company, as well as, live life to the fullest and experience EVERYTHING. I am a fitness nerd who takes great pride in providing the healthiest choices for my family. I am a mother, a wife, an I.T. distribution business owner, fitness competitor, fitness model and an aspiring actress (just like the rest of the world). I love to act, model and compete. This for me brings out another person that I love – a creative, crazy and fun loving person. I am naturally high – so I do not need caffeine to get me through the day (although I DO LOVE my coffee....hehehe). I love the opportunities that have come my way and look forward to exploring many, many more. I am extremely professional and reliable (I’m a mother – so my life depends on reliability. I know how important that is!)
To get to know more about me and my weight loss, here is an interview I did with “Promoting Real Women”.
I like to start each interview with a little paragraph about each woman in the interview. Sort of to introduce her and her story to you before you get into the interview. With Cheyenne Medina-Prawdzik I am having trouble with it. Why? Because she does such a good job here describing herself, and is such an inspirational and amazing woman, I don't know if I can do her justice. A mom, a wife, a business owner, a competitor, and so much more. How inspiring is it that a woman can lose 95lbs from giving birth and then compete on stage. How inspiring is it that she competed 12 months after giving birth. Here is my interview with an amazing woman and some before and after photos, here is Cheyenne Medina-Prawdzik.
Q: First, Cheyenne, I want to thank you for taking the time to do this.
A: I would also like to thank you Jason for this awesome opportunity to interview with you. You came highly recommended, so needless to say, I was looking forward to the interview. I would also like to thank Tisha Rodrigues and Teri Chadwick Edwards for our introduction.
Q: Can you start out by telling a little about yourself. Family, where you are from, things like that.
A: I am an AWESOME mother of two beautiful children, Mason and Melania, and an AWESOME wife to my husband Scott. I am a National Level fitness bikini competitor and fitness model, as well as a mompreneur. I am a technology business owner, with my husband Scott, in New Jersey.
I am proud to share that I am a weight loss success story for the second time. After the birth of my first child, I gained a total of 95lbs, weighting in at my all-time highest ever, 201lbs. I went on to win both Ms. Fitness Atlantic Bikini Short Class and Overall Female Fitness Model. I became a new mom again in early 2009 and gained 65lbs. I am currently at my competition weight of 109lbs.
I am truly proud of this accomplished goal, because as you may know, it is not the easiest thing after having children.
Q: Before the gym, were you an especially athletic person? Play any sports?
A: Absolutely not! Growing up, especially in high school, I was into my studies. I did not play any sports, only what was required of me in gym class.
It was not until my mom enrolled me into charm school, that's right, charm school (I grew up with male cousins and she felt I was starting to walk and talk like a boy) that I became aware of living a healthy lifestyle. I was taught how to sit like a young lady, smile pretty, and chew with my mouth shut, but better yet, how to eat and workout to look like a "supermodel".
Q: What initially got you into the gym?
A: Cindy Crawford! In high school, House of Style was HUGE and I admired her for doing her thing. Not only was she beautiful, but she was her class valedictorian and I thought that was amazing, but better yet, her body was not stick thin, she actually had some muscle tone. She allowed me to believe that I could feel beautiful without having to be a size 0. I remember working out at home to her VHS tapes; Shape your Body and The Next Challenge.
Q: Was training something you picked up fairly easy? How long before you saw results?
A: I was always a fairly skinny girl, simply without muscle tone. When I finally upped my game from the Cindy Crawford workouts, I had done so much research that I knew my body inside and out, literally.
However, it wasn't until about 12 years later, when I had my first kid that I saw the results I was finally looking for.
Q: What made you decide to go ahead and compete?
A: After my pregnancies, I knew I was eventually going to get back into shape. It was just a matter of motivating myself and doing some research. The first thing I did was subscribed to a couple of fitness magazines. I then chose a well-known fitness model as my role model and followed her story. She replied to an email I sent her and her words alone were motivation for me. I went to my first fitness show, Fitness Atlantic 2006, to see if this was something I would be interested in and I FELL IN LOVE! I also had the chance to meet my role-model. She told me that I should give competing a try, being that I was at my goal weight and I still had time to tone up. I took her advice and competed in my first show at Fitness New York where I placed top ten in both Fitness Bikini and Fitness Model.
Q: Was competing something your family and friends supported at the time and how about now?
A: At the time, the only person who truly understood my new passion for competing was my husband. He saw what I went through with being skinny, and then getting pregnant, weight gains, then trying to "find myself". I am truly blessed that I have a very supportive husband who backs my decisions and supports my every move, even if they seem far fetched.
My family members are supportive, however, in my mother's eyes, if I weighed 20-30lbs, she would think I was just fine, so at times when I need that extra push and/or to stay on track, I stay away. She is old school and we LOVE our foods.... need I say more! I LOVE YOU MOM.....hahaha :-)
Q: Was the first contest what you expected? Did anything surprise you?
A: I loved my first fitness show experience. It was Fitness New York 2006. I worked so hard and felt so proud to be a part of the very show I was reading about in the fitness magazines. I could not believe I was actually competing on stage in a "fitness" show in a two-piece, especially after giving birth 12 months prior. This was NOT simply a cute bikini contest; you had to have visible muscle tone and I did not think I could ever achieve this. I placed Top Ten in both Fitness Bikini and Model.
To be honest, I don't think I was surprised about anything because I did not know what to expect, being my first show. I simply went in with my eyes shut and did my best and had the best time of my life.
I did however love how "teammates" truly supported one another. I really thought that was amazing.
Q: Can you share your contest history.
A: I actually started "competing" prior to Fitness.
*1996- Miss Teen New Jersey- First Runner Up
*1996- JC Penny Hispanic Model Search- First Runner Up
*2006- Fitness New York- Fitness Bikini Short Class- 6th place
*2006- Fitness New York- Fitness Model- 8th place
*2007- Fitness Atlantic- Bikini Short Class- 2nd place
*2007- Fitness Atlantic- Fitness Model- 4th place
*2007- Ms. Bikini Fitness Universal Miami- 10th place
*2007- Model Universe Miami- 20th place
*2008- Fitness Atlantic- Bikini Short Class- 1st place
*2008- Overall Female Fitness Model Champion
Q: So how does someone go from giving birth and losing 95lbs to win a Bikini Fitness Competition?
A: One word.....DETERMINATION!
Q: Do you have a favorite body part to train?
A: I LOVE everything upper body. I love the way my shoulders and biceps look after a complete and hardcore workout.
Q: What is your normal training routine and diet like and how do you alter it for contest prep?
A: Sets and Reps
MONDAY- LEGS 3 sets 12-15 Reps
*Walking Lunges
*Leg Extensions
*Butt Blaster
*Leg Curls
TUESDAY- BACK & BICEPS 2 Sets 12-15 Reps
*Lat Pulldown
*Seated Rows
*Dumbell Pullover
*Incline Dumbell Curls
*Barbell Curls
*Cable Hammer Curls
* I do cardio and train 45 minutes to an hour every week
*Crunches, Hanging Leg Raises, and Side Twists with Stick
*Arnold Press
*Lateral Raises
*Rear Delt Raises
*Calf Raises
FRIDAY- CHEST & TRICEPS 3 Sets 12-15 Reps
*Bench Press
*Incline Press
*Incline Dumbell Fly
*High Cable Crossover
*Triceps Extension
*Triceps Press
*same as Wednesday
*ACTIVE REST with my family and two dogs
With regard to my diet, I keep a clean diet all year round for the most part. It simply makes life easier when you need to get where you need to get quicker. And I say most part because the reality is I do have children and we do have snacks in the home, even though healthy at times, they are technically not part of my caloric intake, especially the ice cream sandwiches....hahaha
However this is what my daily meals include, give or take:
*Meal 1: 4 egg white, .5 cup of oatmeal, .5 cup of strawberry's
*Meal 2: .5 cup of cottage cheese and fruit
*Meal 3: 4 oz lean chicken, salad with 1 slice Ezekiel bread
*Meal 4: Handfull of almonds (if I'm hungry at this time)
*Meal 5: Fish, lean chicken, or lean turkey and 1 cup of veggies
Q: When someone sees or hears you compete for the first time, what is the most common reaction? More positive or negative?
A: I would have to say, Impressed, especially because I am a mom and wife who runs a corporation 24/7. They are constantly asking me where I find the time to visit the gym. My answer: NO EXCUSES!
Q: What is the one question or comment you are most sick of hearing?
A: I would say that one misconception people tend to have is that I am a "Bodybuilder". They don't get the difference between Fitness, Figure, and Bodybuilding. I actually get asked if I'm "on stuff". I simply laugh.
Q: Do you get a lot of friends asking for diet advice?
A: ALMOST NEVER. I usually get "Let me guess, this is not part of your diet either". However I do literally have 1 or 2 friends who will come to me for advice.
Q: What is the biggest misconception about women who train or the one thing you wish people understood?
A: That just because we are women with muscle tone, it does not mean we are on steroids.
Q: What is the best and worst part of competing?
A: I love everything about competing. I love the traveling, the hectic preparations, the crazy meals, the fake eyelashes, the crazy tanner application, and then looking in the mirror and seeing the final product. At that time, I am no longer a "soccer mom"; I'm "THE THING" (as Cindy Crawford would say).
The only downside to competing and it gets me every time, is leaving my children behind. I go through the worst separation anxiety.
Q: Do you have a favorite cheat food?
A: I'm 100% Puerto Rican. I LOVE my Spanish food seasoned with Adobo.
Q: Do you have any favorite competitors or any you admire?
A: WOW! There are so many. I am blessed to be associated with Cathy Savage, The MOTHER OF FITNESS”. She has prepped, trained and molded so many “fitness stars”. I LOVE my coach Andi Martin for taking my body and mind to a whole new level. I definitely seek motivation from Nicole Costa, who I think is a classic beauty. I admire the self-marketing style of Jennifer Nicole Lee; and I will always thank Tisha Rodrigues for actually getting me started in competing. She pushed me to do my first show in New York and I have always admired her stage presence. I am a big fan of Vanda Hadarean. Her positivity is so contagious you can feel it jump right from her website.
Q: If another woman told you she wanted to start training, what is the one piece of advice you would most want to give her?
A: Make sure you have a strong support team. I could not be where I am without the support of my husband. Friends come and go, as I have seen it, however your family should always be there. My family members may not understand why I compete, however they definitely respect what I do and why.
Q: You also do fitness modeling. What got you into it and what do you enjoy about it?
A: Fitness modeling is a whole other experience. You can be more creative with modeling and have crazy fun in front of the camera. When I was younger I wanted to be a runway model, which is actually funny because I am only 5'2". This is my way of having my cake and eating it to....LOL
Q: What's harder, being in front of the camera or on the stage?
A: Definitely stage. There is no room for imperfection. You have to be at your best at all times. Those stage lights are not friendly.
Q: If a photographer wanted to book you, how can he contact you?
A: Via my website www.fitness4moms.com and/or simply email me at Fitness4Moms@me.com
Q: Can you talk about Eagle Distribution. What is it and how can people find out more about it?
A: We are a woman and minority owned information technology business in New Jersey. www.eagledistribution.com is a distributor/reseller of information technology products including Racks, Servers, Networking Products, and Telephones. We represent hundreds of top tier I.T. manufacturers and we are a national distributor for products commonly used by U.S. Government agencies.
Corporations will find www.eagledistribution.com beneficial with our easy-to-use online pricing, product configuration tools, and real-time inventory. Our website has pricing and technical specifications for over 300,000 products with real-time inventory for same day shipping.
For more information, make sure to visit www.eagledistribution.com
Q: Any other hobbies or activities you enjoy?
A: I absolutely love to spend time with my family. My husband and I love to travel. Every year we take two vacations, one with the children and one alone.
Q: Can you describe a typical day in the life of Cheyenne Medina-Prawdzik.
A: Wow, this is a tough one. I'll try.
I usually wake up approximately 6 am to care for my daughter. She gets changed, fed, and put back to sleep. By this time my husband and I eat breakfast and synchronize our daily meetings and conferences. We then put in about 3 hours of work (bills, emails, etc.) prior to the children waking up around 8:30 or 9 am. Then our nanny comes over to help with the kids and from there we run to the office to oversee employees, shipments, meetings, conferences, etc.
By the end of the day, which is usually about 6 or 7 pm, my husband will run to the gym, while I prepare dinner and get the kids ready for the next day (bath, homework). When my husband comes home from the gym we always make it a point to eat dinner as a family, at the table (without television). This allows us to spend quality time to catch up with one another.
After dinner, everything gets cleaned up, at which point, I then get ready to go to the gym. My husband will put the children to sleep after their nighttime stories. When I return from the gym, I will shower and put in another 3-4 hours of work to complete that work day.
It's our crazy life, but I LOVE IT!!! I would not change a thing.
Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
A: That I am a former Private Investigator. I had to investigate people both by foot and vehicle. I can't get into specifics, however it is a crazy world out there. That's all I can say :-)
Q: Any favorite actors, TV shows, movies?
A: I actually do not have a favorite actor. The though if "idolizing" someone freaks me out (except Cindy Crawford.....hehehe). However, I am obsessed with DEXTER. I love anything horror and full of testosterone. I'm not a chick flick kind of girl. 300 was a pretty cool movie and I love to watch the Rocky movies when I'm training for my shows for motivation.
Q: Describe Cheyenne Medina-Prawdzik in five words.
A: Fierce, Determined, Motivated, Focused, Yet Lovable.
Q: Any set plans for 2010 as far as competing or anything else?
A: After taking some time off from the stage to add to my family, I am excited to share that I competed at the Kumite Classic in Monroeville, PA, in May 2010, whereby I placed 1st runner up in both Fitness Bikini & Female Fitness Model. My next show will be in the BIG APPLE, NY CITY in October, then in SIN CITY in November.
Q: Anything you want to take this time to plug or promote?
A: If you are looking for technology then www.eagledistribution.com is your I.T. Megastore!!! AS FEATURED ON ESPN SPORTS RADIO, www.eagledistribution.com. "GO WHERE THE PROS GO"!
Q: Are you looking for sponsors? If so what are they getting in Cheyenne Medina-Prawdzik the athlete and competitor?
A: I would Love to seek sponsorship from reputable companies such as BSN, Bodybuilding.com, Gaspari Nutrition, etc. Interested parties may visit my website: www.fitness4moms.com and or by email: Fitness4Moms@me.com
I am extremely professional and reliable ( I'm a mother, wife and business owner - so my life depends on reliability.) I know how important that is!
Q: Cheyenne, again, I thank you for taking the time to do this. Any last words before you go?
A: I thank you for your time and remember:
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"..... SO DON"T CONSENT!!!
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