Tuesday, July 5, 2011



Whatever your goals are, journaling your workouts and keeping tabs on your nutrition can both help you get better results. 

Why is journaling so important?  Its simple…you can look back at the end of each day or week and say “WOW, I lifted that much weight” or “I ate how many calories this day”?  And you may be inspired to accomplish even more.  Keeping a nutritional/fitness journal shows you whether your goals are realistic, as well as give you insight into your “living” patterns. 

A journal will keep you honest!!!

A Sample Food Journal

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Importance of Eye Lash Curling

The Importance of Eye Lash Curling

Why Curling Works

Whether you wear your eyelashes natural or apply mascara, consider using an eyelash curler.  This fantastic tool can make a HUGE difference in making your eyelashes appear longer and eyes larger, simply by making lashes turn upward. 

The “HOW TO”

1)Simply place the lash curler as near to the base of the lashline as possible and squeeze for a couple of seconds.

2)Secondly, gently “walk” the curler out towards the end of the lashes for a natural looking curl. 

*Note:  Be sure the curl lashes before applying your mascara.